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  • About Buy leads

  • What is a BuyLead?

  • Created April 19, 2019

  • Modified April 16, 2020

  • Category About Buy leads

  • Comments 19

  • BuyLead is the purchase requirement sent by prospective buyers for products and services, which is filtered by PakistaniMart and shared with the suppliers dealing in those products/services.

  • The BuyLead alerts are sent to relevant suppliers via email, SMS and app notification
  • Suppliers then consume the relevant BuyLeads

  • By consuming a BuyLead, supplier gets access to buyer’s contact details.

    Benefits of Buy lead

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  • What are the details I should check while consuming a BuyLead?
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  • When will my buy requirement go live on the PakistaniMart platform?
  • How does increased consumption of BuyLeads improve relevance?
  • How can I make the most of my consumed BuyLeads?

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