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  • How to Deactivate/unsubscribe my Account with IndiaMART?

  • Created April 19, 2019

  • Modified April 3, 2020

  • Category Privacy and Complaints

  • Comments 184

  • If you have not subscribed to any service of PakistaniMart, Please follow the below-mentioned steps to deactivate your account with PakistaniMart:

    For Desktop:

    1. Visit Buyer Dashboard
    2. Sign in with your mobile number, if not already logged in
    3. Click on your name on Top Right Side
    4. Click on ‘Settings’
    5. Click on Disable.

    Alternatively, you can use one of the below-mentioned measures to connect with us and we will resolve your issue:

    1. Access the PakistaniMart complaint form and submit your issue
    2. Alternatively, you can contact us at 03334476542 or write to us at customercare@pakistanimart.com

    If you are a Paid User of PakistaniMart, Please contact us at 03334476542 or write to us at customercare@pakistanimart.com for any concerns regarding our services.

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