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  • How does a buyer provide feedback/rating to a seller listed on PakistaniMart?

  • Created April 19, 2019

  • Modified May 20, 2020

  • Category Free Catalog Page

  • Comments 117

  • Watch the video or follow the steps given below to create a free seller account.

    In order to register for free on PakistaniMart, follow the steps given below:

  • Visit Seller Dashboard, Enter your 10-digit mobile number and Name.
  • Click on “Register for free” and enter OTP received on your mobile number.
  • Enter your basic details- Company name, Mobile number, Email ID
  • Add 3 Products which you want to show in your catalog
  • Enter Location details like your Address, City, Pincode and GST Details

  • Click on ‘Start Selling’ to create your profile. This will take you to the dashboard (seller.pakistanimart.com) where you can start adding products to build your catalog.

    You can access PakistaniMart through our website and mobile app.

    Please note that it may take up to 7 days to free list your company. Kindly ensure that the information submitted is correct and updated.

    Start updating products by creating a free account today at PakistaniMart.

    Note:- There is no Expiry date for free account. You can keep it active as long as you wish.

    Only Pakistani sellers are allowed to Register on PakistaniMart

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