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  • PakistaniMart Seller Panel

  • Helping users in easily identifying the new BuyLeads on PWA

  • Created February 5, 2020

  • Category PakistaniMart Seller Panel

  • Comments 2

  • We are happy to announce that now users will be able to easily identify new BuyLeads on Recent Leads page on PWA( Progressive Web Apps )

    Previous Journey:

    New Journey:

    These changes make users more comfortable and experience better. PakistaniMart always tries to improve the user’s experience by adding a new feature or updating the older one. In case you are facing any problem with the PakistaniMart platform regarding any issue you can use the help support provided by the highly skilled help team by PakistaniMart. According to our goals we trying to full fill the requirement for both buyers and sellers quickly and with a better experience.

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